Thursday, August 30, 2007

La hipocresia mexicana

Mexico has a problem when the USA deports its citizens that enter this country illegally. They believe that the border should should be open, sometimes even providing maps, water and supplies to help them in their journey North. But this help is exclusively for Mexicans. Such hypocrites! However, they are quick to incarcerate, abuse, mistreat and deport those that enter Mexico without the appropriate documentation.

Estación migratoria de Tapachula mantiene a 120 cubanos retenidos

Notimex / La Jornada On Line

Ingresaron ilegalmente a territorio mexicano a través de lanchas.

Tapachula, Chis. Un total de 120 cubanos permanecen retenidos en la estación migratoria de Tapachula, con base en un procedimiento administrativo al haber ingresado ilegalmente a territorio mexicano mediante lanchas y balsas.

En entrevista, el delegado regional del Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) en Chiapas, Rafael Pretelín, dijo que los extranjeros están en espera de una resolución a su situación jurídica.

Por otro lado, dio a conocer que en los primeros siete meses del año, el INM en Chiapas aseguró y repatrió a 37 mil 933 extranjeros. De ellos, detalló, 23 mil 626 son originarios de Guatemala, seis mil 390 de Honduras, seis mil 306 de El Salvador, mil 42 de Nicaragua, 168 de Cuba, 79 de Ecuador, 41 de China, 75 de Brasil, 18 de Bangladesh y el resto de diversas naciones del mundo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Orlando!
Yes, the Mexican govt. expects his people to have the right to stay here but not those who come illegally to this country. I don't know if you had the chance to read the Mex. president say something about that Mexico extended to the Mexicans that live here. And now we have that lady that was deported making a big hullabaloo in Mexico, then don Francisco a show with crying children. It's sick!!!! They should send the kids along with their parents and avoid these situations.