Friday, October 20, 2006

Castro is in a coma?

Contacto Magazine reports that two distinct sources have provided information that the dictator’s health has deteriorated significantly in recent days and that he is in a coma. Even dough raúl and other Cuban officials were going about touting the dictator's miraculous recuperation.

The crisis (going into coma)happened in a matter of hours. Contacto states that the sources preferred to remain anonymous (no kidding!).

Just a couple of days ago the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula referred to castro in a speech as if he were already DEAD. Was this a slip of the oratory organ or not?


CAMILO2002CL said...

La bola esta corriendo.

Yo, que hace poco que sali de alla y me conozco al dedillo los intringulis del regimen, creo que la cosa esta fea para el dictador.

Anonymous said...

Knowing how well he took care of himself and the resources available at his disposal, it really surprises me that the cancer he reputedly has wasn't caught earlier. Anyway, only God knows how long he has left.

CHEVY said...

Bastó conque Fidel, en un acto de honestidad sin parangón en la historia, traspasara sus escasos poderes al compañero Raúl, para que una sarta de mentiras infundadas echaran a rodar por todo el mundo.
Que si el comandante tiene cáncer......Que si diverticulosis......Que si chochera Alzheimeriana......
Nada de eso!
El comandante simplemente, y ya lo dijo el Granma, esta como el Caiguarán:
Ahora una revista títere del imperialismo, y hecha presuntamente para latinos, sigue mintiendo descaradamente.
Escuchen bien. Fidel es un santo.
Y todos sabemos que los santos no mueren.

Fantomas said...

se apaga el caballo