Friday, September 01, 2006

Cuban gestapo attempts to murder Dr. Darsi Ferrer's 5 year old son

The Cuban gestapo unexpectedly arrests Dr. Darsi Ferrer and in process attempts to murder his 5 year old son. This is the continuation of the castro legacy, nothing has change for Cubans...Murder, Inc. continues.

This is the messeage sent by Dr. Darsi Ferrer's wife. I have taken the liberty of tranlating it, the Spanish version follows.

H/T: Babalu

Yesterday, in the early morning hours at around 02:30 hours, Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez, was arbitrarily detained by approximately 50 members of the Political Police, dressed as regular police and without badges, and in 12 police vehicles. With guns in hand, they very loudly knocked on the door and immediately handcuffed him, taking him dressed only in his pants, barefooted and without a shirt, and at the same time leaving behind our 5 year old son alone, because I was at my ill mother’s house.

Darsi informed them [the police] that his child was there [in the house], to allow him to take the child with him until I would be able pick him up, but they paid no attention to the request, and they took him [Darsi]. However, before they took him away they opened the gas valve in the house and closed the door. Thanks to the assistance of some neighbors that quickly went to get me, we managed to break a window open, enter the house and luckily, we found my child alive still.

The whereabouts of Darsi were unknown until 06:11 hours, when an officer of the Ministry of the Interior showed up at the house to tell in which Police Unit he was being held, and at around 08:00 hours he was released.

At this moment at 13:00 hours, he was detained again in the corner of the Interest Office where he was headed, without an explanation they took him again. Now I am headed out to find out where he is being held that I hope it is in a Police Unit and not in another place. I am sending you this message to let you know that I, Yusnaimy Jorge Soca, hold responsible and accuse the Cuban government, State Security, and everyone that is involved in the attempted murder of my son Dariel Ferrer Jorge, only 5 years old, and my husband Darsi Ferrer Ramírez.


Ayer en horas de la madrugada sobre las 2:30 am, el Doctor Darsi Ferrer Ramírez, fué detenido arbitrariamente, por alrededor de 50 Miembros de la Policia Política vestidos de Policias sin chapas puestas, en 12 patrulleros.
Con pistola en mano le tocaron la puerta fuertemente y lo esposaron al momento, llevándoselo en pantalón , descalzo y sin camisa , sin decir a que lugar, dejando solo a la vez a nuestro pequeno hijo de 5 años, porque yo me encontraba en casa de mi madre que estaba enferma.

Darsi les dijo que el niño estaba hay, que dejaran llevarlo con él hasta que yo lo recogiera y no le hicieron caso,por lo que se lo llevaron, pero antes de hacerlo abrieron la llave del gas de la casa y cerraron la puerta. Gracias a la coolaboración de algunos vecinos que me fueron a buscar rápido a la casa logramos romper una ventana y entrar donde por suerte mi niño aún se encontraba con vida.
El paradero de Darsi era desconocido hasta que a las 6:11 am, se personó un oficial del Ministerio del Interior en la casa para decirme en que Unidad estaba , y alrededor de las 8:00 apróximadamente lo soltaron.

En estos momentos a la 1:00 pm, fué detenido arbitrariamente nuevamente en una esquina de la oficina de Intereses cuando se disponia a entrar, sin dar ninguna explicación se lo volvieron a llevar. Por lo que ahora voy en busca de su paradero que espero que sea una Unidad y no otro lugar donde esté. Lés envio este mensaje para que sepan que yo Yusnaimy Jorge Soca, responsabilizó y acuso al gobierno, a la Seguridad del Estado, y a todo aquél que tenga que ver en el intento de asesinato de mi hijo Dariel Ferrer Jorge, de solo 5 años, y de mi esposo Darsi Ferrer Ramirez.

1 comment:

El Polaco said...

How long can a Cockroach live without its head ????