Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another commie monument to tear down

I am going to take a shot in the dark, but I will wager that Tuxpan, Mexico is one of those dingy coastal Mexican towns where poverty abounds, clean running water is scarse, and sewage treatment is up to you. The mayor of Tuxpan, thinks that fidel castro is the cat's meow, you see, Tuxpan is where fidel and his band of thieves sailed from on the yatch Granma to reek havoc on the Cuban people. Now the comemierdas of Tuxpan want to build a replica of the Granma, and the people once more get screwed.

Is it me, or does that boat on the photo look like it is riding on the back of Cubans. It reminds me of the the movie "The Ten Commandments" where the great Egyptian cities were being built on the back of the enslaved Jewish nation, except that in this is case, it is the destruction of great Cuban cities and the enslavement of the people.
Construirán nueva réplica del yate Granma

México, 19 dic (RHC) Una nueva réplica del yate Granma en el que partieron 82 expedicionarios cubanos, encabezados por Fidel Castro, desde el puerto mexicano de Tuxpan para iniciar la lucha revolucionaria en Sierra Maestra, será construido con apoyo de la Intendencia de esa ciudad.

El alcalde de Tuxpan, Jerónimo Folgueras al referirse al líder y guía de la histórica travesía del yate Granma dijo que Fidel Castro está hoy más vivo que nunca y es el héroe que impulsó el liderazgo de uno de los proyectos sociales y culturales más importantes del mundo contemporáneo.

La nueva réplica, como la primera, construida en la década de los 80 será colocada en el poblado de Santiago de la Peña en las instalaciones del Museo de la Amistad México-Cuba, precisó Folgueras.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, there are many Mexicans and others from Latin America who worship Castro, not counting those Anglos who feel the same way.