Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Castroite cyber-terrorists shut down site (UPDATE)

A couple of days ago, I posted about the censorship endured by Chilean journalist Manuel Fuentes Wendling in the bureaucracy of the web hosting company Data Center in Atlanta. Data Center was hosting his now removed blog Manuel is being censored as the result of attacks suffered by the site by castroite cyber-terrorists hackers (at one time more than 20,000 hits per minute). The attacks seem to have been prompted by articles written by Manuel about the dictator fidel castro, which I guess (actually I am sure) did not put the dictator in the best of light.

In a release originally posted by Freethoughts, Manuel seemed to be dumbfounded that a US based company would be in the business of censorship. Isn’t the US is a country where free speech is a constitutional guarantee? Manuel must have forgotten about Google and Yahoo, US based companies that are bending over to provide the tools for censorship and internet filtering in such places as China, Burma, et. al. However, what concerned me most was that Manuel may have been on his way out of the fight, at least that was my impression, and that bothered me more than one company practicing censorship. To do so, means they won! I believe that capitalism will see to Data Center’s eventual demise. I therefore wrote Manuel. What follows is my translation to his response, which follows the English version.

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your e-mail and for publishing my case in your blog. I am looking for the best way to reappear. However, things have left me disconcerted.
  1. The dictatorial attitude of the people that manage Data Center in the US, where the concept of liberty, free thinking and free speech and press are supposedly sacred; and,
  1. In Chile, the most conservative right, represented by the National Renovation Party, has declared that the Communist Party of Chile “is now different and thinks differently.” Do you see the enormity of that idiotic statement made by the president of that group, Mr. Carlos Larrain? On the other hand, is this the new line that the right now walks in Latin-America under an external influx whose source could be from inside the United States? The truth is that based on may expansive experience in political analysis I do not believe in the autonomy of the right, whether politically or economic. Obviously, such way of thinking and of analyzing things, although not precise, it does not pleases the communist left but also “others” sectors that move more in the shadows.
This is not the first time that someone kicks me in the rear, and when I turn around I see only “friends” smiling o looking the other way, in that stupid attitude like the one that whistles looking at the sky.

The Communist Party in Chile continues being Marxist-Leninist, it continues to support the dictatorial regimes of Cuba and Vietnam, and as it has historically occurred it will return to grab the political power to try to turn into pieces the right and capitalism.

What am I doing fighting communism that is more alive and active than ever but with new technological garments; with the same tyrannical thinking dressed in the language of human rights and pro-democracy? Sometimes, I have come to doubt. I think that it is healthy.

However, I will never yield my principles on behalf of democracy and liberty. Because of that, I will surely continue to fight the Cuban dictatorship that is a Latin-American nation that will have to be liberated sometime.

Again, thank you and if this serves as text for publication, you may do so.


----- Original Message -----
From: Manuel FuentesWendling
To: 'El Confeti'
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Responde e-mail

Estimado amigo:

Gracias por tu e-mail y por la publicación de mi caso en tu Blog. Estoy buscando la mejor forma de reaparecer. Pero me dejan desconcertado dos cosas:

1. La actitud dictatorial de las personas que manejan el Data Center en EE.UU., donde se supone que el concepto de libertad, librepensamiento y libertad de expresión y prensa son sagrados; y,

2. El que en Chile la derecha más conservadora - representada por el Partido Renovación Nacional - ha declarado que el Partido Comunista de Chile " ahora es otro y piensa diferente". ¿Pero te das cuenta la tamaña imbecilidad dicha por el presidente de esa colectividad, el señor Carlos Larraín? ¿O es esa la nueva línea que está siguiendo la derecha a nivel latinoamericano bajo algún influjo externo que podría provenir desde el interior de los Estados Unidos? La verdad es que por mi larga experiencia en el análisis político no creo en la autonomía de las derechas ni políticas ni económicas. Y obviamente, tal forma de pensar y analizar las cosas no sea, precisamente, del agrado ya no de la izquierda comunista sino de "otros" sectores que se mueven más en las sombras.

Esta no es la primera vez que alguien me patea el trasero y cuando me doy vuelta veo sólo gente "amiga" sonriéndome o mirando hacia otro lado, en esa actitud estúpida del que silba mirando para el cielo.

En Chile el Partido Comunista sigue siendo marxista-leninista, sigue apoyando los regímenes dictatoriales de Cuba y Vietnam y, como ocurriera históricamente, volverá a lograr poder político para tratar de hacer pedazos a la derecha y el capitalismo.

¿Y qué hago yo luchando contra el comunismo que está más vivo y activo que nunca y con nuevos ropajes tecnológicos pero el mismo pensamiento tiránico encubierto por su lenguaje pro derechos humanos y pro democracia? A veces he llegado a dudar. Creo que eso es sano.

Pero mis principios en favor de la democracia y la libertad, amigo mío, son inclaudicables. Por eso, seguramente, seguiré luchando en contra de la dictadura de Cuba, que es una nación latinoamericana que habrá que liberar en algún momento.

De nuevo mis agradecimientos y si te sirve este texto para publicarlo, puedes hacerlo.


Manuel Fuentes Wendling

I don't think Manuel will mind if he receives your encouragement, and maybe your help. His e-mail is:


Val Prieto said...

Perhaps the hosting company lifted his blog in order to no have other sites on their servers down on account of the DDoS attack. He should definitely find another hosting company. I use Verve and have been attacked numerous times these past three years but they have never censored or taken down my website.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what kind of hosting company is this. They should protect their customers, everything goes through their servers, its their issue, they have to fix the problem and they should go after the people who are hacking their servers, not discontinue the service of chile blog. He still owns that website so he just has to go to another provider, Lunapages Rules!!! Jose