Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mayo 1

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, comiendo mierda y rompiendo zapato. No vemos en la plaza.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

1 de Mayo: Pégale a las ollas

Por el derecho que todo cubano pueda viajar sin tener que tirarse en una balsa.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Checos fueron detenidos en Cuba

Cada vez que oigo mencionar algo relacionado con Checolosvakia me acuerdo de un cantico que cantabamos cuandos niños, este iba algo así:

"una metralleta, checa, checa, checa, a Cuba se respeta." Sinceramente, aunque lo cantaba en coro con los otros niños, cuando era más inocente, hoy me da asco. Y más asco cuando aparecen historias de esta índole, donde en Cuba arrestan a dos checos por haberse reunido con disidentes cubanos. Tal vez esto es to que temían los cobardes y asquerosos miembros del Congressional Black Causus.
On Jan 12, Czech nationals Ivan Pilip and Jan Bubenik were arrested in Ciego de Avila, 300 km southeast of Havana. Pilip is a co-founder of the right-wing party Freedom Union and a member of the Czech Parliament. Jan Bubenik was a student leader during the 1989 Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and a former member of parliament.

The two Czechs met with dissidents Roberto Valdivia of the Comite Cubano Pro Derechos Humanos and Antonio Femenias, an independent journalist. Valdivia and Femenias denied the Czechs gave them money or any subversive materials.
Lea el resto aquí.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Not funny, I lived this.

Via Bunnyfun Kitchen:

Langosta y carne de res prohibida en Cuba

Sure why not, where is it?

A CNN poll:
And 71 percent of those polled said that the U.S. should reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba, while 27 percent opposed such a move.---->

But do they know where Cuba is? They can't even find Louisiana on a map.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

You are a che guevera t-shirt wearer

This video from an Australian band called The Clap. Tell me what you think. Are they making fun of the che t-shirt wearing idiots that don't even know who the guy is, but think he is "cool?"